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Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station – Inspection ID: 52864

Executive summary

Date(s) of inspection

  • November 2023

Aim of inspection

The purpose of the inspection is to determine whether the arrangements for waste records are in accordance with that being implemented on the site. In addition, the purpose of the inspection is to determine whether the arrangements for reporting and investigating site incidents are implemented appropriately.

Subject(s) of inspection

  • LC6 – Documents, records, authorities and certificates – Rating: Green
  • LC7 – Incidents on the site – Rating: Green
  • LC25 – Operational records – Rating: Green

Key findings, inspector’s opinions and reasons for judgement made

I led a planned compliance inspection of Magnox Limited’s LC6 (Documents, records, authorities and certificates), 7 (Incidents on the site) and 25 (Operational Records) arrangements. I targeted the High Active Waste (HAW) operations for LC6 and LC25. The inspection team comprised the nominated site inspector and a member of the nuclear graduate scheme who was an observer.

For LC6 and 25 the licensee provided suitable evidence to demonstrate that they had adequate arrangements for recording and storing documentation associated with the creation of HAW packages at the site. Furthermore, the licensee  provided evidence to demonstrate that these arrangements were adequately implemented via quality plans. However as there is no definition of what records to keep from Nuclear Waste Services (NWS) the licensee is keeping all information associated with the waste. I view that this could be improved by considering a corporate response. Nevertheless, I judge that the LC6 and 25 arrangements for storage of HAW records are adequately implemented and judged a rating of Green should be applied.

For LC7, I sampled several incidents and considered the licensee response to these including initial categorisation of the event. I viewed that the initial categorisation of the event and that incident reporting in contractor enclaves could be improved. However I considered that the licensee was able to demonstrate adequate implementation of arrangements for the recording and follow-up of incidents on the site in order that learning can be taken. I judge that the LC7 arrangements for incident reporting are adequately implemented and judged a rating of Green should be applied.

During this inspection I also held an engagement with the safety representatives and also held an update on the LC35 decommissioning milestones. For the LC35 milestones the licensee is changing the reporting to two milestones one focussed on operational ILW and the other on reactor ILW. I requested further information on the scope of these milestones and what constituted the end point. The licensee has supplied this information post-inspection.


I consider that the licensee has provided adequate evidence that it controls documents and records generated during the HAW process appropriately. Consequently based on my inspections findings I judge a rating of adequate (green) is appropriate for LC6 and LC25.

Based upon my sampling and the evidence presented by the licensee, I am content that there is adequate implementation of arrangements for incidents on the site, including their reporting, screening, classification, investigation, and learning (via corrective actions). I therefore judge that, in relation to LC 7, an ONR inspection rating of adequate (green) is appropriate for this intervention.