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Springfields Nuclear Fuels

Date released
25 March 2022
Request number


Release of information under
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA)

Information requested

In 2017 a Freedom of Information Request ref: 201706089 (also referred to as: 2017/24677) was asked: Have Springfields Nuclear Fuels supplied cylinders of Uranium Hexafluoride and any other nuclear materials to the Soviet Union/ Russia? ( As described in the book Nuclear Juggernaught by Martin Bond)

The ONR response was: ...It is not in the public interest to release it due to the cost and time required to answer. Given the current situation it is in the public interest to know what nuclear trade is going on between URENCO, Capenhurst and Westinghouse, Springfields, Preston, UK and Russia.

Question: During 2017 to 2021 has the ONR authorised the supply of nuclear materials to Russia from the URENCO plant at Capenhurst and the Westinghouse Springfields Nuclear Fuels Plant at Salwick, Preston?

Information released

Following a discussion with colleagues across ONR and a search of our document management system, I confirm that under Section 1 of the FOIA, we do not hold any information pertinent to your request. This is because with respect to safety, security and safeguards, we do not authorise the supply of nuclear materials to any country from the UK Nuclear Industry.

Our role is to ensure that Urenco UK Ltd and Springfields Fuels Ltd have management arrangements in place to ensure the safe carriage of Class 7 dangerous goods both domestically and internationally, through appropriate agreed arrangements with countries the materials may travel through/over.

Further information

The Export Control Joint Unit (ECJU) administers the UK’s system of export controls and licensing for military and dual-use items. I suggest contacting them as they may be able to assist you. Further information and contact details can be found on their website:

Exemptions applied


PIT (Public Interest Test) if applicable