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Capenhurst Works (UUK) - Inspection ID: 52512

Executive summary

Date(s) of inspection:

  • July 2023

Aim of inspection

The purpose of an accountancy focused intervention is to seek regulatory confidence that the operator is maintaining an appropriate system of accountancy and control of qualifying nuclear material that includes suitable arrangements for material balance evaluation and that those arrangements are being adequately implemented in line with the requirements of NSR19 and ONRs regulatory expectations detailed in the ONMACS guidance ONR formed regulatory judgements and provided a rating in line with ONR’s inspection rating guidance of URENCO’s compliance against the following regulations in NSR19:
  • Regulation 6 - Accountancy and control of qualifying nuclear material
  • To form effective regulatory judgements on URENCO’s compliance with the NSR19 regulations listed above, ONR, where relevant to inspection activities, consideedr the fundamental safeguards expectations (FSEs) detailed in the ONR Guidance for Nuclear Material Accountancy Control and Safeguards (ONMACS).
  • In particular; FSE 9 – Material Balance.

Subject(s) of inspection

  • FSE 9 Material Balance - Rating: Green
  • NSR19 Reg06 - Accountancy and control of qualifying nuclear material - Rating: Green

Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made

This inspection focused on seeking regulatory confidence that the operator is maintaining an appropriate system of accountancy and control of qualifying nuclear material that includes suitable arrangements for material balance evaluation. This was achieved by reviewing an appropriate sample of operating instructions and arrangements followed by discussion with staff with operational implementation responsibilities within targeted facilities. Based on the inspection activities sampled I judge that Urenco Chem Plants Ltd are maintaining an appropriate system of accountancy and control of qualifying nuclear material broadly in line with the requirements of NSR19 Regulation 6 and are adequately implementing those arrangements in line with our regulatory expectations detailed in FSE 9 (MACE 9.3) of ONMACS and rated the inspection GREEN. I identified several areas of good practice.


No matters requiring immediate regulatory attention were identified during this inspection. Based on the inspection activities sampled I judge that Urenco Chem Plants Ltd are maintaining an appropriate system of accountancy and control of qualifying nuclear material that includes suitable arrangements for material balance evaluation broadly in line with the requirements of NSR19 Regulation 6. I also judge that Urenco Chem Plants Ltd are adequately implementing those arrangements in line with ONR regulatory expectations detailed in FSE 9 (MACE 9.3) of ONMACS.