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Report a concern

ONR takes all concerns relating to UK nuclear licenced sites seriously. It is helpful for us to have as much information as possible to determine how to handle a concern and in some cases how it should be investigated.

What details need to be reported?

  • The location of the incident or how you became aware of a concern.
  • Names and organisation involved.  If you are unable to provide a name(s) then please provide as detailed a description of the individual(s) concerned.
  • Any correspondence you may have had with them.
  • The nature of the concern and who it affects.
  • Whether your concern has, is or could cause harm or does it have the potential to cause harm?
  • Does your concern affect, or have the potential to affect, single or multiple members of the public?
  • The general nature of the issue/incident itself e.g. physical harm and if any action was taken at the time or you know of actions being taken to rectify the issue.

What you can expect when you report a safety concern

  • Your report will be dealt with under our most relevant process which you will be advised of by way of an acknowledgement
  • Your report will be taken and handled in confidence.
  • We will process any information relating to you in accordance with the UK General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018.
  • Your concerns will be taken seriously.
  • Where necessary we will investigate the matter fully.
  • Where we are able, you will receive appropriate feedback from us.


Report your concern

About you

We need this to process our investigation
Do you wish your name to be withheld from your employer/ex-employer?

So we can contact you