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Sellafield Site - Inspection ID: 52430

Executive summary

Date(s) of inspection:

  • February 2024

Aim of inspection

The purpose of this inspection was to gain assurance that Sellafield Ltd is compliant with the Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 (IRR17) for its procedures and standards for work associated with the operations within the Highly Active Liquor Evaporation and Storage Plant (HALES).

Subject(s) of inspection

  • IRR17 - Rating: Green

Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made

I targeted this ONR Ionising Radiation Regulations 2017 (IRR17) inspection on the adequacy of the implementation of the arrangements for compliance with the following IRR17 Regulations:
  • Regulation 9 - Restriction of exposure
  • Regulation 17 - Designation of controlled or supervised areas
  • Regulation 29 - Accounting for radioactive substances
The inspection provided the opportunity to discuss Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 compliance arrangements with key facility staff, examine appropriate documents, and undertake a plant visit to see progress made with regard to the management of temporary designated areas, and the deployment of portable radiological protection instrumentation.
I sampled a number of radiological risk assessments, basic cause investigations, the HALES Radiological Improvement Group work and undertook plant observations in respect of Regulation 9. Overall, I was satisfied that HALES are carrying out adequate risk assessments for the purpose of identifying control measures and the facility is taking appropriate steps to restrict their workers exposure to radiation.
For Regulation 17, based on the plant visit and the evidence sampled, I was content that HALES has adequate processes in place for the designation and control of temporary controlled areas.
For Regulation 29, during the plant visit I undertook a review of the Source Store and had a discussion with the Radiological Protection Supervisor for that source store. Overall, based on the plant visit and the evidence sampled, I was content that the source store was in an adequate condition with the appropriate source records being kept up to date.
From the areas sampled, I provided some regulatory advice and observations but did not identify any shortfalls in the implementation of the licensee’s arrangements which would necessitate a further inspection of IRR17 earlier than currently planned.


I judged that, on the basis of evidence sampled at the time of this inspection, and the regulatory advice provided, compliance with IRR17 of those areas inspected was demonstrated and an inspection rating of Green (no formal action) is appropriate.