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Harwell - Inspection ID: 52535

Executive summary

Date(s) of inspection:

  • May 2023

Aim of inspection

ONR sought to gain confidence that ML Harwell are complying with the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and other relevant conventional health and safety legislation when undertaking project related work such as demolition of redundant building on the site.

Subject(s) of inspection

  • CDM 15 - Rating: Not rated
  • Control of Contractors - Rating: Green

Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made

I carried out a themed conventional health and safety inspection at the Magnox Ltd Harwell site. I sampled the arrangements for project management and how they ensure the appropriate identification of conventional safety requirements and the arrangements for their implementation and oversight. No areas of concern were raised. The inspection included a walkdown of the Hanger 10 and BEPO reactor with the project manager. Again, no areas of concern were raised.  A small sample of records from a previous decommissioning project were sampled indicating appropriate record management and retention. The sample raised no areas of concern. The absence of any live construction projects to inspect, has meant that implementation of the arrangements was not fully inspected.  It was agreed that a separate inspection focusing on implementation of the arrangements reviewed in this inspection will be scheduled at an appropriate point.


From the discussion held, procedures and evidenced sampled it was my opinion that adequate arrangements had been made for the identification, specification, and monitoring of conventional safety requirements for the Harwell Plant and Structures decommissioning projects.  I therefore consider an inspection rating of Green “No formal action” appropriate. Due to the absence of ongoing construction / decommissioning physical activities, implementation of the arrangements will be assessed at a later point.